Where Stanislavski Meets Fanon.

Kangalee Arts Ensemble, Inc.

Mission (Philosophy)


Was formed by actors Che Ayende & Dennis Leroy Kangalee in 2022 out of a concern with the modern artist's alienation from community and social responsibility. Inspired by their devotion the development of the actor and a new radically-engaged repertory theater, the ultimate aim is: "To promote the development of a mutual-support
network/community for artists whose work attempts to contribute to the
overthrow of empire, genocide, and all forms of oppression."                                                                                                                                                                                 
KANGALEE ARTS ENSEMBLE (KAE) is a healthy alternative to the cheap exploitation of "political art" and the commercial theater -- by re-invigorating the imagination with both original ideas and fresh interpretations of old “classic” works.    
The modern actor must decolonize themselves before professing to make "important" work.  Often what passes for "political" art or even "revolutionary" -- are just tamed and appropriated ideas recycled by the establishment and made palatable to conservatory or Broadway bound audiences.  Politics and the crisis of capitalism goes far beyond identity issues and fashionable representation.  There needs to be a theater that reminds us of this or at least acts as a constant conscience - for other artists...
KAE exists ultimately to promote the development of a mutual-support network/community for artists whose work attempts to contribute to the overthrow of empire, genocide, and all forms of oppression.  This starts by being attuned to the human spirit.  And  anything having to do with human beings is, for better or worse, political.

The climax of “The Life & Death of Art” - from the World Premiere April 2024

Photo by Carleton King

“To be conscious in America,” as novelist James Baldwin wrote, “is to be in a constant state of rage.” While the artist must allow for a multitude of feelings and ideas to intersect, the passions of life fuel and form the bulk of the work and concepts we engage. Theater is a place where extremes should be appreciated; where surrealism and logic converge. Where the hawks and doves put down their wings to battle it out on stage.
The Kangalee Arts Ensemble is a laboratory for actors and dramatists as much as it is a state of mind. Inspired by the work of Antonin Artaud, Bertolt Brecht, the Living Theater, the Black Arts Movement, Bread & Puppet Theater and the melding of ideas from revolutionary resistance philosopher Frantz Fanon — with the Father of Psychological Realism, Constantine Stanislavsky’s, Acting “system” or “method.”
The company’s approach, style, and aesthetic was best exemplified in the world premiere of their original epic, The Life & Death of Art, a haunting and provocative epic dealing with art, truth, genocide, and capitalism. More information about this recent production will be posted soon. Click here in the interim. And stay tuned!

Make a donation.

All members of the ensemble are committed participants, no one receives a salary yet and we depend on the zealousness of each participant, our audience...and the kindness of strangers. We do not exist without you and appreciate both your support and your financial contributions. Consider making a tax-deductible donation today!