Where Stanislavski Meets Fanon.

Kangalee Arts Ensemble, Inc.

The Ensemble

Intercultural and interdisciplinary, the group’s collective and individual proclivities make up the identity and tenor of the ensemble. Below is a list of our members, along with their biographies — to get a sense of the breadth and variety of the group. Old, young, union and non — the only prerequisite is a commitment to stage acting as both an art & political expression and a desire to illuminate the human condition.

The cast of The Life & Death of Art workshop, April 2024

Photo by Carleton King

As Kam Williams wrote in the Village Voice in 2003, "Dennis Leroy Kangalee's vision of a theater company is like a culmination of American Theater's past 100 years. From Ira Aldridge to the Left-wing acting of the Group Theater to the passionate agitprop of the The Living Theater." With the Kangalee Arts Ensemble's first foray back into group dynamics, we seeks to blow minds and rekindle hearts.

Changing the world is an impossible task, that is why it is a necessary one. And the actor may be the first artist in this century to really address this. Powerful theater is not a luxury, but a necessity. 

We currently work out of University Settlement on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.


Steve Bloom - Bianca Floyd - Ian Hersey - Liz Roberts - Laura Schleifer - Lowell Williams - Kofi Yeboah

Make a donation.

All members of the ensemble are committed participants, no one receives a salary yet and we depend on the zealousness of each participant, our audience...and the kindness of strangers. We do not exist without you and appreciate both your support and your financial contributions. Consider making a tax-deductible donation today!